Become a member
Photo: Annie Spratt
Our members
Rights Alliance’s core mission is to fight for the creative industries’ rights on the Internet, and as an interest group we represent more than 100,000 Danish rights holders in the film, music, literature, photo, design and media industries.
The Danish Rights Alliance has a really good dialogue with and relation to a number of actors. They know exactly who to go to if something is found that should not be on an online platform. And as a company we can see a clear advantage in being able to stand together both financially and in terms of resources.
The Rights Alliance is an association of large and small companies, producers, associations and organizations in the creative industries. Our members have joined together because they see a value in having a common platform – both politically and juridically when working with their rights. We protect members’ rights through enforcement of illegal activities, and we work to create and secure the best possible framework conditions for our members.
No matter if you need help securing your works or want a strong support base that works politically and actively to secure the foundation of your business, you will find great value in a membership with us.
If you would like to become a member or just hear more about your options, please feel free to call +45 6056 6364 or send us an email at
You can also read more about our organisation in our articles of partnership. Here you can learn more about our general meetings, membership fees and members of the board of directors.
In the video below, you can hear why PP Møbler and Fritz Hansen find value in being a member of Rights Alliance.