Photo: Markus Winkler
About Dialogforum
The Ministry of Culture’s Dialogue Forum brings together advertisers, rights holders, media, payment intermediaries and others to fight illegal content on the internet. The participants work together to cut off the flow of money to illegal services by, for example, ensuring that no unintentional advertising or money is transferred to illegal services.
An initiative based on Rights Alliance’s collaborations across sectors and industries is the Ministry of Culture’s Dialogue Forum. Dialogue Forum is an initiative by the then Government on June 20, 2012. In the Dialogue Forum, companies, trade associations and authorities have the opportunity to discuss how to create a better framework for a legal and safe Internet in the field of copyright.
The Danish Collaboration List and Codex
An important component of combating rights infringements on the Internet is to stop direct and indirect cash and traffic flows for illegal activities, also known as ‘follow-the-money. The Ministry of Culture did in 2012 in cooperation with the Rights Alliance establish a Dialogue Forum for parties willing join this effort. The collaboration including advertisers and payment services was based on a Codex whereby the signatories undertook to cut off transactions to pages that appear on a list of illegal services, thus cutting the cash flow to the criminal services.
The list of illegal services is called the Danish Collaboration List and has constantly been updated with websites that are found illegal by the court. In 2024 the Codex and its criteria for inclusion of sited on the list were updated to include not just formally convicted sites but also sites of obvious concern along the wording in relevant WIPO papers (UN’s World Intellectual Property Organization).
The Rights Alliance will jointly with the Ministry of Culture strive to make the Danish Collaboration List part of WIPO Alert database, where the WIPO representatives from each country upload and update their national lists in a joint database that will then represent a global, accumulated sum of illegal websites that can be used by authorized users in each country. Although the participants in the WIPO database are, as a rule, national authorities, Rights Alliance has in agreement with the Ministry of culture been invited to participate in the Alert meetings as a Danish representative, as the Rights Alliance is the driving force behind the Danish Cooperation List and the related Codex.
Read more about Codex here, where you can also report sites that are believed to have the primary purpose of distrubing illegal content.