Photo: Karolina Grabowska

New educational program puts a spotlight on illegal streaming

Aug 14, 2023 | Publications

14. August 2023

Rights Alliance publishes a new course for secondary school students, focusing on copyright and illegal streaming. This is done in collaboration with Gyldendal and with support from the Danish Ministry of Culture.

Illegal streaming of content is widespread among Danish young people. Figures the Danish Chamber of Commerce’s new survey of Danes’ access to illegal content show that 32% of 15-29 year olds have streamed or downloaded illegal content within the past 12 months.

But why do so many young people stream content illegally when it has never been easier to stream movies, series, music and sports legally? The target group gets to investigate this themselves in a new educational program for social studies in secondary school. The course has been developed by Rights Alliance in collaboration with Gyldendal, which is behind the teaching platform where the course is available free of charge to Danish schools. 

Under the heading “Are you a thief?” students will learn about copyright and relate to the streaming culture they themselves are part of. This includes knowledge of the rules and laws that are broken when misusing and distributing creative content, as well as the personal and societal consequences of illegal streaming. 

The material for “Are you a thief” is available for free via Gyldendal here (Danish).

The course is supported by the Danish Ministry of Culture.