Os Der Elsker Viden
Photo: Fahrul Azmi
About the campaign
Os Der Elsker Viden has developed a variety of materials that attempt to explain copyright law and its consequences of breaking it in an easily understandable way. The material is freely available for i.a. educational institutions to use in communicating with students.
Find the content package and further information on the campaign’s website.
The extent of illegal sharing
As books has become digital, and in a world where everything is freely available on the Internet, illegal copying and sharing of textbooks has become a major and growing problem.
Rights Alliance monitors the development of illegal sharing of digital textbooks. The latest survey on students’ acquisition of textbooks, conducted by Epinion for the Rights Alliance, can be read here
More than
of the students using digital textbooks have acquired at least one textbook illegally
Os Der Elsker Viden is a campaign that guides students to use textbooks legally. The campaign is primarily digital and offers tools and knowledge to students so that they can distinguish between legal and illegal copying and sharing of books through e.g. Facebook and the educational institutions’ own platforms.
The main purpose of the campaign is to tell what is respectively legal and illegal behaviour. At the same time, the campaign seeks to create a culture that recognizes that illegal copying and sharing is serious and has consequences – not just for the individual student, but for society in general.
The campaign also makes it clear that textbooks play an important role in the transfer of knowledge and that the illegal acquisition of textbooks may result in a lower supply of study-relevant textbooks.
The campaign was created in collaboration between Danish Publishers, Copydan Text and Node, authors and publishers and relevant authorities.
Below you can watch one of the videos from the campaign.
Photo: Tim Mossholder
Relevant News
Convicted of illegal sale of textbooks
A 26-year-old man from Horsens has offered 29 illegal pdfs of textbooks for sale at DBA. The case emphasizes the fact that illegal sharing of digital textbooks is a major challenge.
Photo: Sharon McCutcheon
Photo: Fahrul Azmi
Ruling: Imprisonment for systematic illegal sale of digital textbooks
A 28-year-old man has been convicted a 30 days suspended sentence, dividend confiscation and claims for damages, for systematic illegal sale of digital textbooks. 51 works from different fields of study were involved.