
by | May 1, 2020

Photo: Annie Spratt

General meeting

Our annual general meetings are the association’s main decision-making body. It is at the annual general meetings of Rights Alliance that all articles of partnership and regulations are passed. It is also at the general meetings that the Board of Directors is elected for a two-year term. It is also at the general meetings Rights Alliance presents its annual report and accounts.

Read our latest annual report

Our board of director

It is the Board of Directors that appoints the Secretariat of Rights Alliance, which handles the day-to-day administration of the association. As far as possible, the Board represents all members of the association and various creative businesses. The Board of Directors can consist of up to 10 members and is up for election for a two-year term.

Photo: Brendan Church

Photo: Brandi Redd

Photo: Denise Jans

Our members

Rights Alliance consists of a large number of organisations and associations, which together have more than 100,000 rights holders in the film, music, literature, image, design and media industries.

All members of Rights Alliance have the opportunity to use the organisation’s knowledge and expertise in copyright, and they are always welcome to seek help and advice from our secretariat.

Our Secretariat

The Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day administration of Right Alliance and is geographically located on Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen.

Photo: Christin Hume