Projects & campaigns

by | May 1, 2020

Photo: Privat

At the Rights Alliance, we work with initiatives that, through information and motivation, make it easier for users to act safely and legally on the internet.

In our work with campaigns and education, we lean on a behavioral scientific approach. Behavioral science is the understanding that people are largely governed by norms and autonomous reaction patterns, and are therefore intuitive and impressionable. In other words, people follow each other, norms, emotions and whatever is easiest. Therefore, the goal of our efforts is to change the norms and patterns that govern behavior – to ‘nudge’ users’ behavior; partly by making illegal activities more difficult and partly by making legal content and services an easier choice.


The Rights Alliance campaigns guides to legal consumption and informs about the consequences of illegal consumption to change Danish norms.

Photo: Os Der Elsker viden

Photo: RettighedsAlliancen


Education is an essential part of the Rights Alliance’s efforts to create a culture of legal behavior among young people. We believe that investing in the education of children and young people and informing them of their rights before they start consuming illegal content is crucial.