Your digital compass
Photo: Still from video included in the educational material
About the campaign
Dit Digitale Kompas is a campaign aimed at secondary schools. It aims to teach students that accessible doesn’t always mean legal and to use common sense when using the internet.
‘Your Digital Compass’ is visiting boarding schools across the country for the second year in a row. The campaign aims to guide students to consume content legally and use common sense when travelling online.
Once again, the campaign will kick off at Lunderskov efterskole in Kolding on 30 October 2024. During a full school day in Lunderskov, the approximately 200 students will work with the campaign’s purpose and teaching material, which consists of an educational film, an educational leaflet followed by a film workshop. The educational material presents students with different perspectives on the importance of rights and why they should be careful when consuming content online illegally. Students will then produce their own campaign films based on the knowledge they have gained from the teaching material. The campaign workshops are facilitated by Lommefilm, experts in helping young people express themselves through the medium of film.
After the day in Lunderskov, we will visit 9 more boarding schools until spring. 10 boarding schools in total will compete to become one of the three winning films that go forward to the Dolly Awards, which is the boarding schools’ own film competition.
Educational material
The educational material consists of an educational film and an educational folder to help create the best and most compelling campaign films. Through the educational brochure, students are introduced to the 3 themes on which they will create campaign films. They have to consider dilemmas that help them reflect on the themes.
The educational film for the after-school campaign 2024-25
The educational film ‘Your Digital Compass’ lasts just under 13 minutes and consists of several so-called flows that use different angles to convey the consequences of consuming digital content illegally – especially films, series and sports.
If you are interested in using and sharing the educational material, members of the Rights Alliance are welcome to contact project manager Iben Ohl at
“Dit Digitale Kompas” is produced and facilitated in collaboration with Lommefilm and supported by The ministry of culture, The Danish Film Institute and Danish Producers Association.
Rights Alliance
We are an interest group fighting to protect the creatives industries’ rights and conditions on the Internet.
Contact us
Rights Alliance
Vesterbrogade 15, 1.
1620 Copenhagen V
+45 60 56 63 64
CVR: 36328797
© Rights Alliance 2020