In the fight against illegal copying and distribution of content and design products, the Danish Rights Alliance has hired a new lawyer.
On 1 March, the Danish Rights Alliance has employed Lasse Hebsgaard as a lawyer. Lasse comes from a position as a lawyer at the Red Cross and was previously an attorney at Patrade, where he worked with trademark, copyright, and design rights.
At the Danish Rights Alliance, Lasse will be involved in investigation and law enforcement with a particular focus on civil law enforcement, including the challenges of literature, text, and the design area. The Danish Rights Alliance is experiencing an increasing consumption of illegal products on social media, and in the coming time focus will be on developing the tools that Meta and Google has made available to the Danish Rights Alliance. Lawsuits about the blocking of illegal sites and the cooperation with the telecommunications companies in this regard is also a special area on which the Danish Rights Alliance with the aid of Lasse will increase its focus.
It is with great pleasure that the Danish Rights Alliance welcomes Lasse, and we are sure that our members and network will do the same.