External Publications

by | Jun 13, 2020

Photo: Bank Phrom

Online copyright infringement in the European Union – Films, music, publications, software and TV (2017-2022)

September 2022, Published by Digital Citizens Alliance, White Bullet Solutions & Unit22B 

Piracy consumption is examined in the EU Member States and the UK for TV programmes, music, films, publications and software.

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Unholy Triangle – From Piracy to Ads to Ransomware: How Illicit Actors Use Digital Ads on Piracy Sites to Profit by Harming Internet Users

September 2022, Published by Digital Citizens Alliance, White Bullet Solutions & Unit22B 

The report provides an insight into how piracy sites and malicious digital advertisements generate profits by harming internet users, including through malware. Piracy sites, malvertisers and unwitting users create an “unholy triangle” where users’ internet security is put at risk.

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Nordic Piracy 2022

Marts 2022, Published by Media vision

Every year, the digital analysis institute MediaVision conducts a user survey in the Nordic countries that explores the extent of illegal behaviour in relation to download and streaming of films and TV. Here you can read some of the key findings on the extent of Piracy in Denmark in 2022.

Read about illegal streaming and download 

Read about illegal use of IPTV

Illegal streaming and download in Denmark 2020

June 2020, Published by The Danish Chamber of Commerce

The Danish Chamber of Commerce’s survey reveals the Danes’ behaviour when they stream and download illegally online. How many Danes stream and download illegally? Who does that? And what content? The study shows i.a. that 12 percent of Danes, corresponding to 560,000 people, have streamed or downloaded illegally within the past 12 months.

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The Status Report on IPR Infringement 2020

June 2020, Published by EUIPO

EUIPO’s annual status report on the purchase and sale of counterfeit goods in the EU, published in connection with World Anti-Counterfeiting Day 2020, provides a general insight into the illegal market, as well as focusing on how counterfeit goods directly support serious criminal activity.

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IP Crime and its link to other serious crimes – Focus on Poly-Criminality

June 2020, Published by Europol & EUIPO

This report is about how IP crime supports activities in organized criminal environments, contributing to the growing evidence that counterfeit goods are an attack on society that requires an international response. The report shows i.a. that there are two ways in which IP crime can be linked to other criminal activities: one criminal activity supports the other or they run in parallel..

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Online Copyright Infringement in the European Union Music, Films and Tv (2017-2018), trends and drivers

November 2019, Published by EUIPO

Through both descriptive and econometric analysis, this report provides insight into the factors that influence differences in online piracy among the 28 EU member states. The report examines i.a. the proliferation of the consumption of copyrighted content in TV, movies and music on various devices and by various access methods such as streaming, download, torrents and stream ripping.

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2019 Intellectual Property and Youth Scoreboard

October 2019, Published by EUIPO

This study conducted by EUIPO in 2019 reveals the attitudes and behaviours of young people (15-24 years old) related to digital content, physical goods and other issues related to IP rights. The survey covers young people in the 28 EU member states.

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Impacts of Digital Video Piracy on the U.S. Economy

June 2019, Published by USA’s Chamber of Commerce Global Innovation Policy Center

This report highlights the economic consequences of the illegal streaming of movies, series and TV in the United States. The report estimates an annual revenue loss of $ 29.2 billion due to online piracy and points out how the lack of revenue is affecting the further development of the industry.

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The Status Report on IPR Infringement 2019

June 2019, Published by EUIPO

EUIPO’s annual status report on the purchase and sale of counterfeit goods in the EU, published in connection with World Anti-Counterfeiting Day 2019, provides a general insight into the illegal market, as well as focusing on the economic losses suffered by individual European countries due to the sale of illegal counterfeit goods. Denmark is estimated in the report to have an annual sales loss of DKK 6,168 million.

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Qualitative study on risks posed by Counterfeits to consumers

June 2019, Published by EUIPO

The study draws a picture of the risks associated with buying counterfeit goods and provides a detailed and scientifically viable analysis of the seven most common dangers to which consumers may be exposed, i.a., exposure to hazardous substances.

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Growth plan for the creative industries A creative Denmark at the forefront

May 2019, Initiatives by the Growth team for the creative industrues

The Government has presented a growth plan to strengthen the creative industries. A plan based on six focus areas and 28 specific initiatives. The growth plan also emphasizes that strengthening copyright is an essential parameter if the creative industries are to be strengthened. The specific initiatives include i.a. possibility of blockings by the authorities and strengthened information efforts.

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Anti-piracy Strategies of Cultural and Sports Content

February 2019, Published by HADOPI

HADOPI’s report on “Anti-piracy strategies of cultural and sports content” provides inspiration for European countries’ work with anti-piracy and highlights, among other things, on Denmark’s handling of illegal services as worth striving for.

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Denmark: An internationally leading growth environment for the creative industries

October 2018, Recommendations from the Growth Team for the creative industries

In this report, the Government’s Growth Team gives their views on what it takes to secure Denmark’s leading position in the creative industries. The report points to five areas for action that will be translated into 21 specific recommendations. The focus is on the enforcement of intellectual property rights, including the possibility of blockings by the authorities and enhanced cooperation between authorities, rights holders and ISPs and platforms.

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Identification and analysis of malware on selected suspected copyright- infringing Websites

September 2018, Published by EUIPO

The study provides an overview of the most up-to-date examples of malware and PUPs (potentially unwanted programmes) found on websites suspected of copyright infringement. The programmes use deceptive techniques and so-called social engineering – such as empty game installations and seemingly ‘useful’ software – to trick users into passing on sensitive personal information.

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Global Online Piracy Study

July 2018, Published by University of Amsterdam

The report covers the purchase and consumption of music, movies, series, books and games through various legal and illegal channels in 13 countries (France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan and Thailand). Streaming, download and stream ripping are the technologies that are studied to give a picture of the users’ motives, mechanisms etc.

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Synthesis report on IPR Infringement 2018

June 2018, Published by EUIPO

This report summarizes the results of research into the extent of IP crime in the EU, and the economic consequences of this. The report is based on research in the period 2013 – 2018, initiated by EUIPO through The European Observatory on the Infringement and Intellectual Property Rights.

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Danes still break the law on the Internet

May 2018, Published by The Danish Chamber of Commerce

The Danish Chamber of Commerce’s survey shows that there are many Danes who make use of illegal streaming and download services. 10 percent of Danes, corresponding to approx. 450,000, have downloaded or streamed illegal content over the past 12 months. The study shows that this is primarily due to the fact that many Danes do not associate streaming and downloading illegal content with actual theft.

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2017 Situation Report on Counterfeiting and Piracy in the European Union

June 2017, Published by Europol & EUIPO

The report has been prepared by EUIPO and Europol and focuses on the importance of tackling the international criminals who profit from IP crime in the EU. The report confirms that infringements of intellectual property rights are an important source of income for organised criminals involved in serious crime.

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Trouble in Our Digital Midst

June 2017, Published by Digital Citizens Alliance

This study sheds light on how digital platforms are being overrun by “bad” players and how the Internet community can stop them. I.a. the survey shows that 64 percent of Americans have not lost confidence in digital platforms in the past year, and that 75 percent believe that platforms should be more active in the pursuit of a secure Internet.

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European citizens and intellectual property: perception, awareness, and behaviour

March 2017, Published by EUIPO

This study from EUIPO focuses on EU citizens’ perception, awareness and behaviour towards counterfeit goods. The study shows i.a. that while most EU citizens do not believe that the purchase of counterfeit goods can be justified, and are convinced that it destroys jobs, not everyone acts according to their good intentions. The 15-24-year-olds in particular still buy copy goods – primarily because of the prices.

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Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment – Crime in the age of technology

February 2017, Published by Europol, SOCTA

SOCTA 2017 is the result of the largest data collection on serious and organised crime ever carried out in the EU. Europol, which is behind the report, provides an overview and analysis of the biggest crime threats facing the EU in the digital age – including cybercrime.

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Illegal downloading is still a problem

October 2016, Published by the Danish Chamber of Commerce

In this analysis, The Danish Chamber of Commerce uncovers the extent of illegal downloading and streaming through a survey that both shows how many actually carry out illegal downloading and streaming. At the same time, it documents a widespread perception that it is not seen as unacceptable nor as serious crime.

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Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods Mapping the Economic Impact

April 2016, Published by OECD/EUIPO

This report has been prepared in a collaboration between the OECD and EUIPO with the aim of determining and analysing the extent of trade in counterfeit goods, and thus to be able to equip politicians with empirical evidence on the issue. The results show i.a. for counterfeit goods accounted for up to 2.5 percent of world trade in 2013, and that figure was second higher within the EU’s borders, where trade in counterfeit goods accounted for up to 5 per cent of all imports.

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Digital Advertising on Suspected Infringing Websites

January 2016, Published by EUIPO

EUIPO’s report on “Digital Advertising on Suspected Infringing Websites” provides a brief overview of how digital advertising works and how websites suspected of IP crime make money on advertising. In addition, the report identifies brands and advertising sectors suspected of supporting copyright infringing websites and highlights how they operate and affect the EU market.

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Digital bait: How content theft sites and malware are exploited by cybercriminals to hack into internet users’ computers and personal data

December 2015, Published by Digital Citizen Alliance

This study sheds light on how illegal copying of content poses a serious threat to Internet users by exposing them to harmful malware that can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and hacker attacks. Examining 800 websites dedicated to the distribution of illegally copied films and TV series, it was found that 1 in 3 websites contains malware. Furthermore, the study shows that it is 28 times more likely to get malware on your computer when using websites with illegal content compared to websites with legal, licensed content.

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Good money still going bad: Digital thieves and the hijacking of the online ad business

May 2015, Published by Digital Citizen Alliance

This report provides an analysis of advertising-assisted websites that distribute illegally copied movies and TV series and provides insight into other aspects of the piracy ecosystem – including the continued presence of premium brand ads and the danger to consumers exposed to malware and fraud.

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